Generosity is a characteristic of God — so it’s a natural side effect of letting Scripture reshape your life. When we follow God, we become generous with our time, our love, and our finances. We freely lay down our possessions, for Christ freely laid down His life!
How to give:
Direct Deposit
Your Giving Impacts...
Our Local Church
Your financial gifts enable much ministry to happen in and through Christ Church, including our Sunday gatherings, kids and youth programs, and caring for those who call Christ Church home.
Local Scripture Teaching
When you give through our Scripture Teachers' Fund, your gift enables kids in local public schools to hear the live-giving message of Jesus.
Caring for People
Your financial gifts go towards caring for people who are experiencing a crisis, creating ministry opportunities in our local community, and helping people take the next step in their discipleship journey.
Practical Resources
Your financial gifts help maintain and renovate our facilities and equipment for our growing church.
Special Generosity Projects
Scripture Teaching
Your financial gifts for Scripture teaching enable kids in the local public schools to hear the live-giving message of Jesus.
Christ Church Scripture Teachers’ Fund
BSB: 082 443
Acc: 762 043 517
Global Mission Partners
As a church, we support a number of Mission Partners across Australia and the world. We invite you to consider partnering with them financially, directly through their mission organisation.
Estate Planning
Leaving a bequest to Christ Church Gladesville is a great way to impact the spread of the gospel and have a lasting effect on many of the ministries we do.